Museo del Palazzo Malatestiano

Arte e musei

The civic collections of Fano are preserved inside the monumental Palazzo Malatestiano, commissioned by Pandolfo III Malatesti, and built in the first half of the fifteenth century. The structure is accessed from Piazza XX Settembre, crossing the ancient Arco Borgia-Cybo and passing the entrance hall. Before continuing along the staircase, the eye is captivated by the beauty of the facing Corte Malatestiana.
The visit route is divided into four main areas: the Archaeological, Ceramics and Numismatics section, and the Picture Gallery. The Museum documents a vast chronological span: from the prehistoric and protohistoric finds of the Fano area to the Roman period of Fanum Fortunae, from the valuable collection of paintings from the local, Venetian, Bolognese and Roman schools of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, up to contemporary art.
The original core of the collections dates back to the 18th century and is made up of archaeological finds from discoveries made in the city and the surrounding area, and works from churches acquired following the suppression of ecclesiastical bodies to which bequests and donations were added over time.


Piazza XX Settembre 6

Indicazioni stradali
  • Prezzo pieno
  • Ridotto (gruppi min. 15 persone, 18-26 anni)
  • Gratuito (under 18, disabili, personale MIC, soci ICOM, guide turistiche, giornalisti, insegnanti, Fano Visit card, ogni seconda domenica del mese)
  • 0

Cosa è compreso

During the months of the Perugino exhibition in Fano the entrance ticket includes thevisit to the museum

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